Children’s room is the life of the house. It is where children spend most time, be it relaxing, studying, or just playing around. Full of life and vibrant colors, children’s room is nothing short of a recreation center of the house. You’ll want the best for your children, so don’t compromise on the vastu of children’s room. Get expert consultation and tips from our team.

Proper placement of things synergizes the flow of energy and stimulates positivity around the room. Children are so vulnerable, so exposing them to more and more positive vibes should be your ultimate aim. With expert vastu tips for children’s room you can achieve this and bring happiness and prosperity in your child’s life.

  • Children’s room should be in west direction
  • Avoid using sharp and overhead lights in children’s room as it may cause stress in children
  • Cabinets and almirahs in children’s room should be places in south or west direction
  • Study table should be placed in east, north, or north-east direction
  • Doors of children room should be either in north or east direction
  • Having furniture in south-west direction is best for children’s room

Get in touch with our team to know direction of children’s room in the house, direction and placement of study table, bed, plants, dressing table etc. within the room. We have served thousands of clients and the ever increasing number of satisfied clients talks about our commitment and dedication. So get in touch today and let peace and harmony prevail.